Into The Grieving Heart

Into The Grieving Heart

Into The Grieving Heart

Parts: SATBdiv. + Sound Design + Bass Drum
Pages: 12 Pgs with Cover
Description: 6:30 – A response to one of my favorite lute songs, John Danyels (1564-1626) ‘Grief Keep Within’. The 400+ year old lyrics of this song describe grief deeply and viscerally – scorning tears and sighs as shallow and imprecise expression of grief’s violence in our hearts. My approach is to dive inside the pulsing, watery, slow motion, low-frequency world of the heart of this grieving person, and imagine the sonic changes that occur through the stages of grief.

Commissioned by The Golden Bridge, Suzi Digby, Artistic Director, an generously sponsored by Jonathan Aronson and Joan Abrahamson.

This piece is accompanied by a sound design, which is included in your download.

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