Time In Our Voices

Time In Our Voices

Time In Our Voices

Pages: 49 pgs or Movement 4 only, 7 pgs
Description: 16 min. — To explore the human voice as an expressive tool across a lifetime. It’s a piece about how our voices change over time to carry different perspectives on life, time and the role we play in the world. In this 5-movement piece, the richly layered SATB (sometimes divisi) vocal parts and mobile phones playback engage us in intimate conversations about time, and the changing sound of a voice across a lifetime. Across the performance, we hear the bright timbre of young kids, the rhythm of teenage speech, deeper, more careful adult tones and the bright or weary tones of elders. Commissioned by the Los Angeles Master Chorale, Directed by Grant Gershon.

Movement I [2 min] Time In Our Voices
Movement 2 [2 min. 15 sec] Child Gives Voice
Movement 3 [2 min. 10 sec] Headlong
Movement 4 [1 min. 30 sec] Bounded Fields
Movement 5 [3 min. 10 sec] Touched By Sound
Please write to us for your complimentary download of the sound design: info@moirasmiley.com
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